Dalriada School
Committed to Excellence
Safeguarding & Child Protection
The Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy contains the most current and authoritative guidance available for schools on their responsibilities in relation to child protection. It includes advice on the action to be taken by schools to enable cases of suspected abuse to be properly considered and pursued. All school staff and volunteer coaches attend annual training and are required to be familiar with the policy contents (specifically as to how the advice given relates to their own particular duties and responsibilities in dealing with events and concerns linked to child protection issues).
The school policy is primarily a working document designed to ensure that these difficult and sensitive issues are dealt with properly, consistently and effectively by the relevant staff. The guidance contained in this policy is designed to protect the pupils of our school and to enable the staff to discharge their legal obligations to look after the safety and welfare of the children in their care.
Every school is required to designate a teacher to have specific responsibility for child protection matters. For Dalriada School the designated teachers are:
Designated Teacher: Ms L Crawford
Deputy Designated Teachers: Dr I Walker
Designated Governor: Mr W Baxter
Any safeguarding or child protection concerns should be directed, in the first instance, to the designated teacher.
The Safeguarding Team in Dalriada School meets each term and reviews school policy and procedure regularly. The team consists of:
Mr B Dillon (Chair of the Board of Governors)
Mr T Skelton (Headmaster)
Mr W Baxter (Designated Governor for Child Protection)
Ms L Crawford (Designated Teacher)
Dr I Walker (Deputy Designated Teacher)
Mr S Glenn (SENCO)