Dalriada School
Committed to Excellence

Friends of Dalriada

Hello friends,
Thank you very much for taking an interest in the new Friends of Dalriada programme which our school is initiating as part of the Dalriada 2020 Vision.
Here you will find a lot more information as to what being a Friend of Dalriada will entail and discover how you can ensure that Dalriada days will be the best days in the lives of generations of pupils, for many years to come.
First and foremost Friends of Dalriada will be a means for the community to connect and re-connect with Dalriada School.
With a proud history of success in academics and extracurricular activities for 80 years, Dalriada School has been the cornerstone for the development of thousands of students from the Ballymoney area and beyond. It is at the heart of the community and we want to ensure that going forward that this heart beats stronger than ever before.
Dalriada School’s 2020 Vision aims to build on the schools success and ensure that over the next four years the students here avail of state of the art facilities and an environment that stimulates learning and maximises student potential in a wide range of extracurricular activities.
In order to achieve the goals set out in the 2020 Vision, Friends of Dalriada will contribute to the School’s fundraising initiatives by pledging a monthly donation at the level of your choosing and will also be given the opportunity to get much more hands on by meeting on a quarterly basis to discuss ideas for events and potential fundraising opportunities.
We want your ideas and enthusiasm, your help and your community spirit. With this indomitable Dalriada spirit, there is nothing we cannot achieve for our pupils and our community.
We have adopted a four tier approach with regards to your monthly contribution to Friends of Dalriada and also offer the option of a one-off annual donation in return for your annual membership.
To sign up and join Friends of Dalriada simply download and print the form located above.
If you are a UK tax-payer, you may wish to Gift Aid your donation, which will enable Dalriada School to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on your donations. This means we can claim back from the government on your behalf 25p for every £1 donated, boosting the value of the donation by a quarter at no cost to you. To Gift Aid your donation please download and complete the Gift Aid authorisation form.
All donations will be strictly confidential.
Donations will be accepted on a monthly basis via Standing Order until such time as a member wishes to no longer provide donations.
By providing your email address you agree that Dalriada School can send correspondence via email relating to Friends of Dalriada, events and fundraising initiatives. Your email addresses will not be shared with any third parties and will be subject to all processes relating to the Data Protection Act 1998. Dalriada School and the Friends of Dalriada Association comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect on 25 May 2018.
With success comes opportunity and the donations generated by Friends of Dalriada will go towards ensuring that no pupil at the school will miss any opportunity presented to them. The Donations will go towards all manner of activities both academic and extra-curricular to ensure that the high standards at the School continue to rise.
Regular newsletters will keep you updated as to what exactly the donations have been used on and earmarked for.
As a member of Friends of Dalriada you will not only play a major role in the future success of the School, you will also receive a complementary tie or scarf, Dalriad magazine and advance notice of school events. We hope to add to these benefits as membership of Friends of Dalriada grows.