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Physical Education



Physical Education, including games, is compulsory for all pupils in Years 8 to 12. Two double periods per week are allocated to sport in the curriculum and there are opportunities for participation in sport at lunchtime, after school and at weekends. There is a programme of inter-house and inter-school sporting competitions.




The aims of the school’s programme of physical education and sport are:


  • To encourage and motivate all pupils to participate in physical activity and gain enjoyment from it

  • To contribute to the physical development and fitness of each pupil by promoting the acquisition of skills and development of competence in a range of physical activities and by encouraging pupils with particular aptitude to develop their skills to a high level

  • To contribute to the social education of the individual by providing opportunities for pupils to co-operate with one another and to gain a sense of satisfaction and achievement from participation and sporting success

  • To promote in pupils an interest in, and understanding of, physical activity and its contribution to the maintenance of life-long personal health and fitness

  • To contribute to the promotion of creative development and aesthetic appreciation of movement through physical activity

  • To help prepare pupils to make active and purposeful judgements regarding the use of their leisure time while at and after leaving school

  • To increase the awareness of parents about the value to their children of involvement in school sport, both in lessons and in out-of-class activities, and to encourage parental support for the programme out-of-class sporting activities



Facilities on the school site include three rugby pitches, an all-weather hockey pitches, a sports pavilion with changing rooms, cricket square, artificial cricket wicket, 400m running track, facilities for athletics field events (long jump, triple jump, high jump, shot, discus, javelin). An all-weather outdoor multi-purpose sports surface provides space for four tennis courts as well as a general training facility. In addition, the school also has a 70m by 40m floodlit 3G sports pitch which is used for timetabled sports classes, after school clubs and community groups.  In 2017 the newly refurbished and extended Sports Centre was opened and now includes a modern sports hall, a gymnasium, new changing rooms, a subject specific classroom and a modern fitness suite equipped with the latest state of the art equipment.


Extensive use is made of Ballymoney Borough Council’s facilities at the Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre, including the swimming pool and the AstroTurf hockey pitch and soccer pitches. Regular use is also made of the soccer pitches and tennis courts at Megaw Park.




Close sporting links exist with Ballymoney Rugby Club, Ballymoney and Coleraine Hockey Clubs, Ballymoney Cycling Club, Ballymoney Blaze Volleyball Club, Springwell Running Club and Ballymoney and Coleraine Swimming Clubs.





Physical Education is compulsory at Key Stage 3. Students have two periods of PE and two periods of Games each week. Students follow a programme of 6 different activities per year and are formally assessed at the end of each six-week block of work.


Students will develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. When they are performing, they think about what they are doing, analyse the situation and make decisions. They also reflect on their own and others’ performances and find ways to improve them.


The following sports are available to pupils:


  • Athletics (Track and Field)

  • Badminton

  • Basketball

  • Cricket

  • Cross Country

  • Football (Boys and Girls)

  • Golf

  • Gymnastics

  • Health Related Physical Education

  • Hockey

  • Netball

  • Orienteering

  • Rounders

  • Rugby

  • Softball

  • Swimming

  • Tennis

  • Volleyball



Physical Education is compulsory at Key Stage 4. Students have two periods of PE and two periods of Games each week. The students can opt for GCSE Physical Education.


Students are encouraged to select a pathway appropriate to their interest in the attempt to develop their competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school. 


The following sports are available to pupils:


  • Athletics (Track and Field)

  • Badminton

  • Basketball

  • Cricket

  • Cross Country

  • Football (Boys and Girls)

  • Golf

  • Gymnastics

  • Health Related Physical Education

  • Hockey

  • Netball

  • Orienteering

  • Rounders

  • Rugby

  • Softball

  • Swimming

  • Tennis

  • Volleyball



The Department offer a GCSE qualification in Physical Education following the CCEA NI specifications.  This is a two year course and covers both practical and theoretical components.  Students are assessed on their efficiency and effectiveness of their performances in physical activities as well as covering theoretical components such as; The Body at work, Health and Lifestyle, Event Management, The Active Leisure Industry, Physical Fitness and Skilled Performance.


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Games class is available at Key Stage 5 for those students not in an academic class on a Wednesday afternoon. 


Students are encouraged to select a pathway appropriate to their interest in the attempt to develop their competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school.

The students can opt for the BTEC Extended Certificate in Sport.




This course covers a broad basis of study for the sport sector. The qualification is designed to support progression to higher education when taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels.


A BTEC Extended Certificate is an academic, practical and vocational course. You learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations and activities in addition to a number of externally set tasks and exams. This qualification is suitable for students who would like to study other A-level courses.

The course is made up of 4 units (or subjects) which cover the broad range of the sports industry. Two of the units are assessed internally through the production of a portfolio of evidence. This evidence is generated through written assignments, presentations or practical demonstrations. Two of the units are assessed externally through an exam and set tasks.

The internally assessed units that comprise the course are as follows:


  • Application of Fitness Testing

  • Professional Development in the Sports Industry


The externally assessed units that are assessed by a set task or a written exam set and marked by Pearson are as follows:


  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being.



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