Dalriada School
Committed to Excellence
Religious Education
The Religious Studies Department aims to promote the academic excellence of every pupil in a caring, happy environment which is sympathetic and responsive to individual needs, aspirations and talents.
The Religious Studies Department strives to make Religious Studies relevant to the society in which we live. Staff endeavour to use a wide variety of teaching methods and stimuli in order to generate interest and enthusiasm across all year groups.
To promote the spiritual aspect of pupils’ holistic development, helping them to consider questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human
To give pupils the opportunity to explore their own beliefs and values
To encourage pupils to see the relevance of the Bible in society today
To help pupils understand, respect and relate to others, particularly those whose denomination, faith and beliefs are different from their own, thus addressing sectarianism, racism and prejudice
To promote understanding of the importance of moral and spiritual values and encourage the development of self respect and respect for others
Year 8
The Bible
Jesus and His Relationship with People
The World of Jesus
Martin Luther
Year 9
God’s Covenant with His People: Moses
St. Patrick
Year 10
Issues of Personal Identity
Choices – career, work and leisure
Christian Heroes
Jesus’ Teachings
Pupils will have the following options in Religious Studies at Key Stage 4:
N.I. GCSE Religious Studies
Pupils who choose this option will be allocated three periods per week in Year 11 and three periods per week in Year 12.
In Full course GCSE Religious Studies, students will study two units.
They will take two external written exams, one paper for each of their chosen units.
Each exam will last 1 hour 30 minutes.
There is no controlled assessment in the Religious Studies course.
The two units studied will be:
Christianity through a Study of Matthew’s Gospel
Christian Ethics
Pupils who avail of this opportunity must be committed to increased levels of work both in school and at home.
Pupils will only be able to follow this course with the approval of their subject teacher. This decision will be based on:
the effort the pupil has shown in Religious Studies in Year 10
the grades he/she has achieved in Religious Studies in Year 10
N.I. GCSE Religious Studies (Short Course)
Pupils who choose this option will be allocated three periods per week in Year 11 and three periods per week in Year 12.
In Short Course GCSE Religious Studies students will study one unit:
Christian Ethics
They will take one external written exam, which will last 1 hour 30 minutes. This exam will be taken at the end of Year 12.
Religious Studies at Key Stage 4 will include:
In-class discussion and debate
Various active learning activities
Learning through ICT and media
Skills offered in Religious Studies:
Ability to recall, select, organise and deploy knowledge of the specification content
Ability to describe, analyse and explain the relevance and application of religious ideas
Ability to evaluate different responses to religious and moral issues, using relevant evidence and argument
Related Subject Areas:
Social Work
Relief agencies
Civil Service
Personnel work
Management Services
We offer Religious Studies at both AS and A2 Levels and follow the CCEA specification. At both levels we have excellent results.
AS Level (Year 13)
8 periods per week are allocated for AS Level Religious Studies.
The options chosen are:
AS1 An Introduction to the Gospel of Luke
AS4 The Origins and Development of the Early Christian Church to AD 325
AS1 and AS4 are taught concurrently throughout the year (4 periods / week each).
In most of the topics covered the students will be required to reflect on the relationship between their unity of study and other aspects of Human Experience.
Assessment: Each option will be assessed by an exam of 1 hour 20 minutes and includes a question on human experience.
A2 Level (Year 14)
9 periods per week are allocated for A2 Level Religious Studies.
The options chosen are:
A21 Themes in the Synoptic Gospels
A24 Themes in the Early Church and The Church Today
A21 and A24 are taught concurrently throughout Year 14. In both options pupils will consider the relevance of synoptic themes selected by CCEA.
Assessment: Each option will be assessed by an exam of 2 hours and includes a question on the selected synoptic theme.
Educational Enrichment
Sixth Form Religious Studies Conference (Union Theological College)
Rome trip
R.S. Department Annual Conference (Dalriada School)
Israel trip