Dalriada School
Committed to Excellence

The Design and Technology Department strives to provide a safe, friendly, happy working environment, where every student can achieve his/her full potential. Design and Technology equips students with ‘real life’ skills and knowledge, which will enable them to contribute to an increasingly technological society.
Technology is a compulsory element of the National Curriculum at KeyStage 3. Therefore, all students study it throughout Yrs. 8-10. At GCSE level and above Design and Technology along with Engineering are optional subject choices.
At KS3, students learn to develop their skills through a series of focused projects. Students are assessed for skills shown in communicating their design ideas and the quality of the products they manufacture. They cover five project strands including: Research, Design Ideas, Planning for Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Evaluation. Pupils work to set design briefs and also carry out focused practical tasks and learn a wide range of technical and creative skills.
At KS4 (GCSE Level), students build on the skills they have previously developed at KS3 and can opt to study one of the following specialist options:
Edexcel GCSE Design and Technology
AQA GCSE Engineering.
At A-Level, students can develop their Design and Manufacturing skills further through the development of an extended personal project. At A-Level, students study:
Edexcel Design and Technology – Product Design.
The Technology Department aims to provide students with a broad range of experiences, working with a variety of materials, technologies and resources. We aim to enable students to develop and fulfil their whole potential by:
Nurturing their creativity through the continual development of design and manufacturing skills.
Developing competence in the safe application of tools, equipment and machinery.
Developing communication skills, including verbal, graphical and modelling skills.
Using Design and Technology to develop Key Skills in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT.
Drawing on student knowledge and experiences from across the curriculum.
Preparing pupils to effectively contribute to live and work in a technological society.
The Design and Technology department comprises two well-resourced workshops and two Systems/Planning Rooms with a full complement of Desktop Computers and associated software including Solidworks, AutoCAD, PCB Wizard and LiveWire.
The selection of equipment available to students in the workshops include:
Laser Cutter
3D Printer
Wood and Metal Lathes
3-Axis Mill
Pillar Drills
Belt Sanders
Pedestal Polishers
Strip Heaters
The Design and Technology Syllabus in KeyStage 3 is designed to give students a basic understanding of the key skills required for continuing attainment in the subject. In our department we aim is to give students an understanding of the need for, and requirement of, well-designed and manufactured products in all aspects of modern society.
Throughout KeyStage 3 our aim is to introduce and develop student competency in the fundamental elements of Design & Technology through a range of age appropriate design tasks and practical projects. Each element of the design process is imbedded in practical projects so that students not only develop an understanding of each aspect of the process in isolation but also so that they can apply this to the manufacture of a product that they can take home and use. All of the projects and tasks undertaken at KeyStage 3 have been designed specifically to appeal to the designated year group and can be further personalised to suit the individual, meaning everyone is able to design and manufacture something that is functional and fun.
Topics/Units of work covered in each year at KS3:

Mr. A Nelson (Head of Department)
Miss. V Orr
Mr. A Surgenor
Dr. I Walker
Mr. D Reed (Technician)

Edexcel GCSE Design and Technology
This is a two year course that builds on all the knowledge and Skills Developed throughout KeyStage 3 Design and Technology. Edexcel GCSE Design and Technology is a qualification with creative design and manufacturing at its heart. Throughout the course students are encouraged to take design risks and to innovate through inspiring contextual challenges, helping students to develop the practical skills needed to succeed.
This qualification Is Linear; meaning that students will sit their exam and submit their non-examined assessment at the end of the Course. In Yr11 students will study subject theory in preparation for their Exam at the end of Year 12. This is worth 50% of the overall GCSE Qualification. In Year 12, Students will then use the theory covered in Yr11 into their Non-Examined Assessment Project. This will include both a portfolio of work along with a manufactured product. This too is worth 50% of the overall GCSE Qualification.
The course has been designed to provide an ideal grounding for further study of Design and Technology at A Level and it has been designed using a similar approach in order to make the experience of moving on as smooth as possible.
In preparation for the externally assessed examination, students will study one compulsory topic (the core content) and one optional topic (Polymers). In Addition, the Non-Examined Assessment will take the form of a Project where students will be assessed on their skills in investigating, designing, making and evaluating their product.

AQA GCSE Engineering
This is a two year course that like its sister subject Design and Technology builds on much of the knowledge and skills developed throughout KeyStage 3 Design and Technology. At GCSE both subjects share a similar core element, however, Engineering centres more on electronic and mechanical systems and is more focussed on Mathematical skills than the design creativity associated with Design and Technology.
This qualification Is Linear; meaning that students will sit their exam and submit their non-examined assessment at the end of the Course. In Yr11 students will study subject theory in preparation for their Exam at the end of Year 12. This is worth 60% of the overall GCSE Qualification. In Year 12, Students will then use the theory covered in Yr11 in their Non-Examined Assessment Project. This will include both a portfolio of work along with a manufactured product. This is worth 40% of the overall GCSE Qualification.
The AQA Engineering GCSE course introduces students to a host of new technologies, helping them to gain practical skills and understanding to inspire a lifelong interest in engineering. It will particularly appeal to those who enjoy being creative, with an affinity for drawing, design, maths and problem-solving.
In preparation for the externally assessed examination, students will study five compulsory topics:
Engineering Materials
Engineering Manufacturing Processes
Testing and Investigation
The impact of Modern Technologies
In Addition, the Non-Examined Assessment will take the form of a Project where students will be assessed on their skills in investigating, designing, making and evaluating their product.

A-Level / KeyStage 5 Overview
Edexcel A-Level Design and Technology
The current A level course follows the 2 year linear Edexcel Syllabus – Design and Technology (product design). This course is designed to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding learned during GCSE Design and Technology. Students will enjoy designing and manufacturing products using a range of materials, combining traditional skills, ICT and CAD/CAM. The Product Design course focuses on the areas of industrial design, engineering, manufacture and product design.
The course combines everything students have enjoyed previously in Design Technology, mixing graphic design with engineering and manufacturing in a range of materials from specialist card, wood, metal and plastic to glass reinforced plastic, concrete and carbon fibre. It is flexible and allows students to focus their work on their own area of interest. At A-Level more in depth theories are studied and applied in an independent design and make project of a students choosing. As a Department, we are focused on giving students the tools, knowledge and information required to become more effective, more experienced and more efficient.
The key aim of this qualification is to enable students to:
Use creativity and imagination when applying iterative design processes to develop and modify designs, and to design and make prototypes that solve real world problems, considering their own and others’ needs, wants, aspirations and values.
Students will be able to integrate and apply their understanding and knowledge from Key Stage 4, with a focus on mathematics and science for analysis and informing decisions in design, whilst being open to taking design risks which show innovation and enterprise.
The Edexcel A-Level in Design and Technology (Product Design) consists of one externally-examined paper and one non-examined assessment component.

The teaching staff and department facilities are available after school for GCSE and A-Level Students to help support them with exam theory, exam technique or non-examined assessments.
Throughout the whole Design and Technology Department, we strongly advise our A-Level students to come into the department during study/non-contact periods to enhance their skills and gain additional help and advice in their academic work.
In addition the department also encourage students to participate in a variety of extra-curricular Technology competitions including F1 in Schools and BT Young Innovators.

Y9 Technology Club
There is a Technology Club aimed at Yr9 pupils which runs on selected Wednesday afternoons during the 2nd and 3rd terms. Club activities focus around “mini” technology projects and aim to build on the skills learned in class

Yr10 Rotary Club
Technology Competition
Each Year a Team from Dalriada attend the Annual Rotary Club Technology competition. Teams are made up of four Yr10 pupils and are tasked with solving an engineering problem by designing and manufacture a viable solution using components and materials provided.

F1 in Schools
Each Year students are offered the opportunity to enter a team into the Northern Ireland finals of the international F1 in Schools Competition. Each team has to design and manufacture a miniature F1 car out of balsa wood using CAD/CAM design tools. The cars are powered by CO2 cartridges and are attached to a track by a nylon wire. Over the years teams from Dalriada have enjoyed much success in this annual competition
A post KeyStage 3 qualification in Design & Technology and/or Engineering combined with other supporting subject choices opens the door to a wide array of potential future careers for students. Whilst the coursework units of work compiled at both GCSE and A Level also provide students with valuable portfolio material, which can be taken to university interviews as evidence of design or manufacturing competency.
Once students have completed their GCSE’s or A Levels, they can then decide on their next step, focusing on an area that they are passionate about. Students can go on to study a wide selection of higher education courses at a college or university or they could even take up an apprenticeship.
Careers fitting with the skills taught within both Technology and Engineering include but are not limited to:

The Technology & Design Department actively promotes the benefits of a STEM based career within regular classroom teaching through the use of:
Careers information on notice boards throughout the department.
The Yr10 Technology/Engineering based careers unit of work, where students explore possible STEM related careers along with a number of case studies highlighting the success of past students who have utilised the skills first acquired during their time studying Design & Technology / Engineering at Dalriada and its relevance to their current STEM related career.
The staff within the Technology department in conjunction with their counterparts in the Careers Department, actively encourage the best A-Level Technology & Design / Engineering Students to apply for STEM related bursaries, when pursing a place in tertiary education. Current bursary opportunities include:
Nuffield Engineering Bursary: This bursary takes the form of summer employment opportunities for students interested in an Engineering based career.
Queen’s STEM Bursary: The Technology and Design department staff encourage our best A-Level students apply for these bursaries, in the form of a £1000 Scholarship for students who enrol in a STEM subject, make Queen’s their firm choice on their UCAS application and attain a minimum of three ‘A’ grades at A-level (or equivalent).
Awarding Exam Boards Subject Microsites
Edexcel Design and Technology (9-1) from 2017 | Pearson qualifications
AQA | Engineering | GCSE | Engineering
Edexcel AS & A level Design and Technology - Product Design (2017) | Pearson qualifications